When it comes to Oil Country Tubular Goods, Metal One is not just another trading house in the market.
Metal One provides solutions and cost-saving alternatives to meet customers' needs.
Metal One has licensees around the world and the OCTGs can be supplied based on your company's needs.
Click here to find the licensee nearest you.
Our Products
Our Engineers
Metal One's experienced engineers are ready to support your company.
Our engineers can not only propose and develop OCTGs tailored to your needs but can also audit Pipe Manufacturers.

Our Action
for the Environment
To contribute to the creation of an affluent society, the Metal One Group is committed to the creation of values through business activities in conformity with the three criteria for corporate social responsibility.
In order to make MOTC an environmentally friendly product, we make efforts to calculate the CFP of our products and reduce emissions.
Contact & Support
If you interested in our products, please feel free to contact with our team.